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Sumter 97
Acres:   96.9
Asking:   N/A     Sold
Address:    351 Hooks Mill Road
Americus, GA 31709
County:   Sumter
Priced at $ 250,000, this beautiful property is the front part of Double J Shooting Preserve which is a beautiful 304 acre, turnkey quail shooting preserve. The owner is willing to sell the 96.9 acre tract separately which includes the Preserve's guest house, 1 barns, 1 garage, dog kennels, and a quail flight pen. The property has a good interior road as well as frontage on two county roads. Approximately 60 acres of the property is in the last year of the CRP long leaf program with a yearly income of $ 2446 per year. The long leaf may also provide income from pine straw production in the amount of $ 3600.

The asking price for Real Estate and improvements attached to the property is $ 250,000. The property was priced with a land & timber plus the value of the houses and improvements. Tractors and/or other personal equipment as well as hunting dogs are NOT included at the asking price.
Photos 1 - 3  of  17
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Beautful small house on Property
Hooks Mill Road Frontage
Barn on Property
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