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Marion-Taylor 218
Acres:   218.0
Asking:   $1,195.00 per acre     Sold
Address:    Poll Mill Road
County:   Marion/Taylor
PRICE REDUCED!!! This property is an excellent land investment that offers stands of pine plantation ( LOB 1983, LOB 1998 & and recent clear cut). There is a hardwood branch that traverses the south side of the property and it is also bounded on the east by a beautiful creek lined with hardwood. The property also has long road frontage on Poll Mill Road and it is in a good location for trophy deer and turkey hunting.
Other Information:
The property is conveniently located from Macon, Columbus and Atlanta.

DIRECTIONS: From Butler, take GA Hwy. 137 south for approximately 12 miles and turn right on Stewart Road and then turn left on Poll Mill Road. Go just over 1 mile and the property will begin on the left with Allied Land & Timber signs.
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Photos 1 - 3  of  11
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Aerial Photo of Property
2004 Pine Plantation
1998 Pine Plantation
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