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Grady County Long Leaf Tract
Acres:   68.67
Asking:   $3,059.00 per acre     Sold
Address:    Prevatte Road and Jowers Road
County:   Grady
Priced at $ 210.000, this is a beautiful CRP long leaf pine investment and recreational tract in Grady County, GA. Paved and graded road frontage on 2 sides provides easy access to the property. Excellent deer and turkey hunting with a nice hardwood branch along the eastern boundary line. The property currently has 53.5 +- acres in the CRP program for long leaf pine with an annual payment of $3906.00. Conveniently located to Bainbridge and Thomasville and a short drive to Tallahassee. Tract is currently enrolled in the CUVA tax program for reduced property taxes. Priced to sell at $210,000.00. Please contact Chip Hancock at 229-881-9446 for more info or to view the property.
Other Information:
Located at the corner of Prevatte and Jowers Road in Grady County. From US Highway 84 in Whigham, take Jowers Road to the Northwest and travel approximately 3 miles and property will be on the right with Allied signs.
CRP Information  
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Long Leaf Pine and Interior Road
Long Leaf Pine
Long Leaf Pine
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